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Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Hartberg

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8230 Hartberg

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English language week in Galway, Ireland – an unusual experience!

A visit to the Cliffs of Moher in brightest sunshine, Irish dancing with broomsticks, Claddagh rings and wishing stones – the 3HLW encountered a lot of unusual experiences and unforgettable highlights on their language trip to Galway at the beginning of October. The students attended interesting classes at the local Bridge Mills Language centre, right in the heart of the vibrant city of Galway.
Galway bears many attractions – live music in the streets, historic buildings, shops and pubs and theatres and an incredibly scenic coastline, inviting for extended walks.
By staying with host families, they learned a lot about everyday life in Ireland and got to try some typically Irish dishes like shepherd’s pie or Irish stew. One of the cutest encounters was probably the sheepdog training show at a local farm.

What is the students‘ résumé of this week? „Slán! (goodbye)– we will be back!“

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